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AroraNikesh Arora, the CEO of Palo Alto Networks, has been ranked second on The Wall Street Journal’s 2023 list of highest-paid US chief executives with a staggering salary of $151.43 million (approximately ₹1270 crores). Born on February 9, 1968, in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Arora’s early life was marked by his father’s service in the Indian Air Force. He attended The Air Force School before earning a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi.

Arora began his professional journey at Fidelity Investments in 1992. His career took a significant turn in 2004 when he joined Google. During his tenure at Google, he held various senior positions, including Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer. In 2014, Arora left Google to join SoftBank in Japan, where he served as Vice Chairman and CEO of SoftBank Internet and Media Inc., receiving record-breaking compensation for his role.

After departing from SoftBank in 2016, Arora took on the role of CEO and Chairman of Palo Alto Networks in 2018. His leadership and strategic vision have significantly contributed to the company’s success. In recognition of his contributions to the global business landscape, Arora was awarded the Global Indian Award at the ET Corporate Excellence Awards in 2015.

Arora’s impressive earnings have surpassed those of other tech industry giants, including Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, who earned $24.40 million, and Google’s Sundar Pichai, who earned $8.80 million. Additionally, The Wall Street Journal highlighted that 17 CEOs of Indian descent are among the top 500 highest-paid executives in the United States.Read more..

https://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_4224-1024x768.jpeghttps://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_4224-150x150.jpegadminLatestNikesh Arora, the CEO of Palo Alto Networks, has been ranked second on The Wall Street Journal’s 2023 list of highest-paid US chief executives with a staggering salary of $151.43 million (approximately ₹1270 crores). Born on February 9, 1968, in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Arora's early life was marked by...Latest News and Photos