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Komatireddy The BRS party is currently facing its lowest point since its establishment. After losing the assembly elections, many of its prominent leaders started jumping into Congress and BJP. Already, quite a few BRS MPs and MLAs have joined Congress. Now, Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy stated that around 30 MLAs from BRS are planning to join Congress.
He said that all these 30 MLAs are in touch with the Congress leaders and may switch the party at any point in time. He also affirmed that the Lok Sabha battle will be between Congress and BJP and BRS would hardly make any impact.
Komatireddy opined that KCR’s family is unable to survive without power. He stressed that it might require 20 years for the present government to list out the corruption done by KCR over the past decade. Responding to the rumors of his family seeking an MP ticket, Komatireddy said that his family didn’t lobby for an MP ticket and asserted that he has no differences with his brother Raj Gopal Reddy.Read more..

https://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3982.pnghttps://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3982-150x150.pngadminPoliticsThe BRS party is currently facing its lowest point since its establishment. After losing the assembly elections, many of its prominent leaders started jumping into Congress and BJP. Already, quite a few BRS MPs and MLAs have joined Congress. Now, Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy stated that around 30 MLAs...Latest News and Photos