No viewers for RRG-2
The first big release Raju Gari Gadhi 2 after the big Dushera season arrives tomorrow. The early signs concerning the box office aren’t that encouraging, though. The advance booking for the film is open all over. However, it isn’t very encouraging. As reported earlier, lack of general buzz and promotions is the primary reason. There are last-minute promotional rounds from Nagarjuna, but it clearly is not enough. In the US, things aren’t that rosy for the distributors barring a couple of films. Sometimes, it is films like Raju Gari Gadhi 2 that come with relatively low expectations that surprise the buyers. If the comedy clicks, RGG2 could be that surprise for the investors who are in dire need of some respite. The genre will work its magic if word of mouth is positive without any doubt. Ohmkar has made a reasonably decently entertaining Raju Gari Gadhi. Will he be able to replicate it with bigger stars and budget needs to be seen?