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The PM was in Kheda in Gujarat for his 18th rally for the upcoming elections. He spoke in Hindi while attacking the Congress on the anti-terror front and said Congress leaders were “shedding tears” when the terrorists in Batla House in Delhi were killed in an encounter.

“Our government in Gujarat was acting against terrorists, but the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in Delhi was going soft on them. They (Congress) were instead busy attacking me,” Modi said.

He referred to the terror strikes that then happened in Gujarat and his government’s action against the terrorists. The Modi government in Gujarat and the UPA in Delhi were then at loggerheads over various cases such as the Ishrat Jahan encounter and the Sohrabuddin Sheikh encounter in Gujarat.

Modi said Gujarat, for a long time, was on target of terrorists – with bomb blasts in Ahmedabad and Surat. “Some months ago, these culprits were convicted. Here, we used to catch and act on terrorists, but the UPA government in Delhi used to put all strength in getting the terrorists freed. We kept saying target terrorists, but the Congress government was busy targeting Modi and not terrorists. The result was terrorism kept expanding and there were blasts in various cities in India. During the Batla house encounter, the Congress leaders started crying in favour of terrorists. The Congress sees terror from a prism of vote bank politics,” Modi said.


https://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/modi.jpghttps://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/modi-150x150.jpgadminPoliticsBharatiya Janata Party,BJP,congress party,gujrath elections,INC,Prime Minister Narendra Modi,Sohrabuddin Sheikh,United Progressive Alliance,upaThe PM was in Kheda in Gujarat for his 18th rally for the upcoming elections. He spoke in Hindi while attacking the Congress on the anti-terror front and said Congress leaders were “shedding tears” when the terrorists in Batla House in Delhi were killed in an encounter. “Our government in...Latest News and Photos