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YsrAs the elections are nearing, all parties are intensifying their campaigning across Andhra Pradesh. Every time, we see parties coming up with different strategies in attracting voters. Now, TDP has been pointing out that YS Jagan started implementing “VFX” strategy in his ongoing campaign.

Jagan has been holding “Siddham” public meetings for the last few weeks as a part of his campaign. Green carpets are being laid at the venues of these events. TDP’s official handle shared a few pictures from the venue of a “Siddham” meeting where green carpets are laid. It was said that Jagan uses these green carpets to add more crowd using VFX. “The live coverage of these Siddham events will have a delay of 40 minutes. Even the reporters are not allowed to showcase the live footage,” alleged TDP’s handle. With these allegations, netizens are now wondering if Jagan has been using VFX to showcase a huge crowd at his every meeting.

https://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3891.pnghttps://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3891-150x150.pngadminPoliticsAs the elections are nearing, all parties are intensifying their campaigning across Andhra Pradesh. Every time, we see parties coming up with different strategies in attracting voters. Now, TDP has been pointing out that YS Jagan started implementing “VFX” strategy in his ongoing campaign. Jagan has been holding “Siddham” public...Latest News and Photos