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Jagan mohan reddyAndhra Pradesh will soon face scheduled power cuts due to the scarcity of coal mines within the state for electricity generation. Reportedly, villages would experience eight hours and cities would have six hours of power cuts every day. According to reports, the government led by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy accumulated debts exceeding Rs. 35,000 crores to coal and electricity companies, leading to a halt in coal purchases by the electricity board.

Additionally, debts of over Rs. 18,000 crores were incurred with hydro and solar power companies, resulting in the closure of some establishments. As a result, the state is facing a shortage of power resources, leading to power cuts. If the news is true, the YCP could face significant challenges ahead of the elections. Already, it was reported that this year’s summer would record high temperatures due to the El Nino climate pattern. If there are power cuts in such peak summer, people would suffer and the anti-incumbency against Jagan will increase. Thus, people opined that these power cuts may affect YCP badly in the general elections, which will be held in May.Read more…

https://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/ysjagan1.jpghttps://kapusangam.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/ysjagan1-150x150.jpgadminPoliticsAndhra Pradesh will soon face scheduled power cuts due to the scarcity of coal mines within the state for electricity generation. Reportedly, villages would experience eight hours and cities would have six hours of power cuts every day. According to reports, the government led by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy...Latest News and Photos